Repair Services
Repair work and fixing roof leaks is where you really see the merit of a roofer that really knows his craft and roofing company that doesn't know how to roof but rather just hires sub crews to install new roofs. We see so many failed roof attempts from poor material choices, bad material decisions and flat out negligence in attempting to fix shingle roof leaks, concrete tile leaks, wood shake leaks, and metal roof leaks.

Tile Roof Repair
Concrete Tile repairs can be some of the most difficult leaks to find and repair. From poor workmanship to poor material choices, tile roof leaks can cause lots of issues in a short amount of time. With over 30 years of installing and repairing tile roofs, Doug Fry is the standard in Wichita, Ks and South Central Ks for tile installation and repair. Many roofers take shortcuts on material and installation to save time and money. Doug Fry understands a tile roofing system should last a lifetime when proper material and workmanship are used to install the roof correctly, and when that doesn't happen we are here to correct the issues properly for years to come.

Shake Shingle Repairs
Shake shingles and wood shingles take a different skill level and understanding how the shingles layout on the roof deck or spaced decking. The split felt underlayment is interlaced between the rows of shakes. You have to cut the underlayment and shake properly along valley metal to prevent roof leaks. There are very few roofing companies that have the skill level and experience to fix or install shake and wood shingles.

Asphalt Roofing Shingles
Leaks and issues on asphalt shingles can happen for numerous reasons. Tree limbs rubbing on the roof, poor flashing and workmanship around vulnerable areas, poor material or accessories. Many asphalt roof leaks even come from old flashings that have not been changed in years even though new roofs have been installed from old age or hail damage.
If you have a roof leak or any roofing issues please contact us for an inspection